19 Jun Prevent Neck Pain due to Cervical Kyphosis
Modern lifestyle is all about smartphones, apps, AI and almost everything is possible at the click of a button. But this convenience has also brought with it neck and shoulder pain, abnormal spine curvature and chronic headaches. When we hunch over our devices for hours together, it can cause a range of serious health issues, the most common being issues with the upper or cervical spine.
Your Upper or Cervical Spine
Your neck forms the upper part of your spine. It is the most flexible part of the spine and allows your head to turn up and down, side to side and around. The neck bends gently inward to balance out the backward curve of the middle spine. This enables the neck to balance the weight of the head evenly.
Neck Pain
Its flexibility makes the neck susceptible to injury and pain. Frequent and prolonged hunching (as in reading or over digital devices) causes cervical kyphosis, a painful condition.
Symptoms include –
- Pain along the back of the neck and/or at the base of the head
- Stiffness and limited rotation in the neck
- Pain in the neck radiates to the shoulders
- Numbness and/or tingling in the arms as a result of pinched cervical nerves
- Permanent forward giving a hunch-backed appearance
To prevent Cervical Kyphosis –
- Limit the amount of time you spend on various devices
- Use ergonomically designed furniture at work and home
- Keep your devices at eye-level.
- Your desk and devices should be arranged such that your knees, hips, and elbow all bend at 90-degree angles. Feet should be flat on the floor and elbows at your side.
- Exercises such as shoulder rolls and back bends can help to promote healthy posture.
Seek the help of a professional if your neck pain doesn’t go away. Leaving your pain intreated can turn it into chronic pain.
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