Avoid Neck and Shoulder Pain by Taking Care of Your Trapezius

Avoid Neck and Shoulder Pain by Taking Care of Your Trapezius

Avoid Neck and Shoulder Pain by Taking Care of Your Trapezius

Did you know that some causes of neck, back, and shoulder pain are completely preventable? Just by changing some of our daily habits and routines, we can protect muscles like the trapezius. And in doing so, we can reduce the likelihood of experiencing pain.

Here at Lone Star Pain Medicine, education is a big part of what we do. We are here to help patients feel better so that pain does not dictate how they live their lives. But we are also here to help patients learn how to avoid pain in the future. One way to do that is to change certain behaviors that can lead to an increased risk of pain.

More About the Trapezius Muscle

Given that this post is about taking care of your trapezius, it might be helpful to delve into the muscle’s details. The trapezius is a large, triangular muscle that extends across the neck, shoulders, and upper back. It begins in the back of the skull and extends down to the back of the thorax.

It is considered a superficial muscle and is located just under the skin. It is divided into three sections – upper, middle, and lower – and plays a key role in posture, head and neck movements, and scapula stabilization.

Are you able to shrug your shoulders when you don’t have the answer to a question? You can thank the trapezius for that. The same goes whenever you rotate or tilt your neck, raise your arms, or move your head to look at something.

How to Take Care of Your Trapezius

Even a minor strain of the trapezius can result in neck, shoulder, or back pain. More serious injuries can lead to more serious pain. So how do you avoid them? We have a number of suggestions:

1. Work on Your Posture

One of the most common causes of trapezius pain is poor posture. Therefore, it stands to reason that one of the easiest things you can do to take care of the muscle is to work on improving your posture. Good posture is typified by keeping your shoulders back and your spine straight while keeping your head aligned with your spine.

If you don’t know how to correct your posture, take an hour or so to do some research. You will find plenty of good information online if you check reputable sources. You can always ask on your next visit to the Lone Star clinic.

2. Avoid Repetitive Motion

Repetitive motion can injure any muscle in the body, including the trapezius. If your job or hobbies involve repetitive motion that puts stress on your back and shoulders, look for ways to alter what you do. Also make a point of taking regular breaks.

3. Improve Your Diet

Believe it or not, everything you eat and drink affects muscle performance. Simply by improving your diet, you can reduce the risk of trapezius pain. Make sure to always stay hydrated and alter what you eat to maximize nutritional value.

4. Get in Shape

Finally, do your best to get in shape. Utilize exercise to both lose weight and strengthen all your muscles. Stronger muscles support your body more efficiently, thereby reducing the risk of strains and sprains. And when exercising, remember to employ proper warm up and cool down practices.

Some instances of neck and back pain are not preventable. But most are. When it comes to pain associated with the trapezius, the best thing you can do to avoid it is to take care of the muscle. And now you know how to do it.

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