30 Dec No – Migraine Is Not Just a Headache
Migraine is one of a number of things that can cause severe headaches. At Lone Star, pain management for severe headaches includes considering the possibility of migraine. However, it must be understood that a migraine is not just a headache. It is a specific medical condition for which severe headaches are but one symptom.
Science does not fully understand migraine and the mechanisms behind it. As such, the general public tends to misunderstand migraine as well. Should you make an appointment to see one of our pain doctors and end up being diagnosed with migraine, rest assured we will do everything we can to help you understand the condition. We will also offer the best treatments we have at our disposal.
Migraine Is a Disease
Severe headaches tend to be a common symptom of migraine. As such, many people confuse migraine with just another type of headache. It is anything but. Migraine is actually a neurological disease that is often characterized by functional and structural changes in the brain.
A majority of migraine sufferers do indeed suffer severe headaches. But it is possible to have migraine and never experience headache pain. Other symptoms common to migraine include light sensitivity, sound sensitivity, difficulty concentrating, visual disturbances, numbness, and even episodic vertigo.
Migraine Headaches Are Severe
Some of the confusion surrounding migraine and migraine headaches is probably due to the fact that said headaches are the most commonly reported symptom. Furthermore, they can be quite severe to the point of being debilitating. Many migraine sufferers testify to the fact that their headaches are more severe than any other type of headache they have experienced.
Migraine headaches generally occur on one side of the head and began as a dull ache. The pain is unique enough that regular sufferers know during the very early stages they are about to suffer an attack. What begins as a dull ache quickly grows into a throbbing pain made worse by physical activity. Furthermore, the pain can move from one side of the head to the other.
The majority of people who suffer migraine headaches also experience nausea. Some may vomit and feel faint. A typical migraine headache lasts between two and four hours. Unfortunately, the most severe can last for days. Migraine headaches generally leave people feeling physically wiped out. However, some people report feeling unusually refreshed and even hungry in the hours and days following an attack.
Getting to the Root Cause
The difficulty in treating migraine is getting to the root cause. Again, science still doesn’t really understand the migraine mechanism. It was once thought that insufficient blood flow to the brain was the primary cause. Now we are not so sure. Current thinking suggests migraine’s root causes could be related to an overactive nervous system.
At any rate, Lone Star pain management doctors do their best to get to the root of the problem before declaring a patient’s headaches the result of migraine. When migraine is the diagnosis, we can offer a variety of pain mitigation treatments alongside strategies for avoiding migraine attacks.
If our examination reveals that migraine is not the likely cause of the patient’s chronic headaches, we will look for another cause. Once we find it, we will make recommendations for treatment accordingly.
If you suffer from chronic headaches, know that our doctors empathize with you. Lone Star pain management specialists see many, many patients suffering from chronic headaches every year. We are here to do whatever we can to help alleviate your pain. Please contact our Weatherford, Texas clinic and make an appointment to see one of our pain specialists.
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